Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All Atwitter

I joined Twitter last April after learning about it in PR class.  Since then, the Twittersphere has exploded and Twitter is now a household name.  You know Twitter has gone mainstream when people who barely use email Tweet.

Personally, I like Twitter.  I mostly use it to follow other people, to learn about new things and to keep up with what's going on in different industries I'm interested in.  Books, Entertainment, Arts, Culture and Communications.

I'm nearing 100 followers on Twitter.  Most people are strangers, but many are associated with my interests.  The best moment of my personal Twitter experience: having my tweet about Folk Fest picked up by the festival and reprinted in their e-newsletter.  That was fun!

If you haven't jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, it can be a great tool for getting the word out about a whole bunch of things.  Events you're having or attending.  Interesting blog posts you want your "followers" to read. Random commentary on random subjects...

Sure there are nay-sayers.  Do you really need to know what so and so had for breakfast?  Probably not, but think of it this way- our lives are made up of many mundane moments, sharing those moments with others is a way to reach out and connect with other people. You like Froot Loops?  Me to!  (Actually, I hate Froot Loops)  The internet no longer isolates people, it brings people together.  Where else can you talk to someone in Japan and realize that you both have an obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

When I told a friend of mine I'd joined Twitter, she mocked me.  But she also sent me this video, which is hilarious, no matter what side of the Twitter debate you happen to be on.

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