Thursday, March 25, 2010

Looking forward, Looking back

I've been thinking about transitions a lot lately.  With a little less than two weeks of CreComm classes and about 12 assignments to go, it's sinking in that a major life project of mine is coming to an end.  Sure, there are three weeks of work placement and grad, but as of April 9th the training wheels are coming off, and into the "real world" we go.

There is definitely excitement.  There is fear.  And there will be some tears.  I think all of us have become very attached to the people we see every day, the only people who truly understand why we've been cranky CreComm monsters for the last 16+ months. And there is always a friendly neighborhood instructor there if we run into trouble. School has become a safe place and it's hard to leave.

But leave we will, and we'll do some more learning by doing, and we'll thrive because this program has molded us into people who can pretty much handle anything.

I've taken a meandering path to where I am now.  I look back on the last decade and my head spins at everything I've learned, not only in halls of education, but in coffee shops, and living rooms, and work places.  I've had some truly awesome experiences, and I know that I've only scratched the surface. 

Here's to the next adventure!


  1. You can handle pretty much anything - and your friendly neighbourhood instructors will always be here if you need a hand.

  2. Yeah, you'll have no problem diving into the real world, Teri. Now the real fun begins!
