Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Alternative Perspective

I'm going into my second (and final) year as a communications student.  I've found that one major side-effect of the program I'm in is looking at the world from a different point of view.  I pay attention to media in different ways than before.  This is especially true when it comes to public relations.

PR is everywhere.  It is present in how someone makes an announcement, how governments deal with criticism, and how a company deals with crisis.  I constantly see the PR behind the news, and it's kind of fun! (This is how I know that I'm a PR geek... and proud of it!)  It's especially obvious when a company/individual does PR badly.  I could draw on examples, but I won't right now because they will probably appear on this blog in the future.

I decided to name this blog "The Slant Perspective" because a slant veers off of the expected path.  It doesn't follow a straight line.  My ways of thinking tend to do that.  I've long considered myself an arts & culture junkie.  I love music, film and television that are off-beat and fly under the radar.  Lately, I've become a communications junkie as well.  I'm fascinated by words and communication; how an idea is put into a message and the message is then received. 

Lots of people take things at face value.  I've never been able to do that.  This blog is all about looking at things from multiple perspectives - whether you're looking at communication, arts, or culture.  I hope you enjoy it!

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