Considering Culture Days is a national event that has been organized by a small number of people, in a short amount time, they did great. But things can always be done differently.
The Good
- They sent out a media advisory the week before the event and it contained lots of relevant info
- One of the attractions (which was of course mentioned in the media advisory) was a performance by an aerial dancer. What media wouldn't want to capture that?
- They presented the conference in both English and French
- CBC is a sponsor of Culture Days, so it was pretty certain they would cover the event
- While the launch was outside, it was under the canopy at the forks, which took into account possible bad weather
- They integrated Aboriginal participation, which included a drum performance and a blessing of the event- always good when you're trying to be inclusive; especially when you're standing on sacred land
- They called arts organizations the morning of the event to make sure people from the arts & cultural community were going to come
- Media actually showed up!
The Not-so Good
- The media conference seemed pretty long at almost an hour. Most of the media got what they needed and left, and they wouldn't have had a chance to do interviews one-on-one with organizers after. A lost opportunity to drive your key messages home
- There didn't appear to be pool sound, and the canopy at the forks is surrounded by fountains. That makes it a little more difficult for media people to get good audio
- There were too many talking heads. Five people gave presentations, and they all pretty much said the same thing
- Media kits weren't ready when the media got there
- When I accidently grabbed a media kit off the information table, I got scolded. I'm not sure if the person putting media kits together was the communications person or not, but as far as she knew, I could have been a reporter. Being rude when you're representing an event or an organization isn't a good plan.
I'm sure I'll be talking more about Culture Days before the month is over, so stay tuned...